We rely pretty heavily on our vehicles to keep our lives moving forward! So, instead of neglecting the thing that keeps us moving, we should do what we can to keep it running longer. Our team at Express Auto has a few top tips for extending the life of your car. 

1. Cleaning

It might not be what you want to hear, but cleaning your vehicle inside and out can actually help it run longer. A serious scrub can help you identify and address any problems and it can reduce the risk of rust. Washing away dirt, debris, salt, and bugs can actually extend your vehicle’s life, and it will make you feel better, too!

2. Pay Attention to Your Driving Style

The way you drive can also have an impact on the lifespan of your vehicle. Harsh braking, hitting curbs, and quick acceleration can wear down your car a lot faster. Be mindful of your driving style if you want your car to be around for a while. 

3. Hold an Insurance Policy

Accidents happen. If you have an attachment to your car, you might want to hold an insurance policy with good coverage! In many states it’s also required by law to have auto insurance if you own and operate a vehicle. 

4. Oil Changes and Tire Care

Your tires and your oil are essential for the smooth operation of your car. You should regularly check both and schedule maintenance visits when needed. 

Extending the life of your car can also extend the value of your investment. Visit us at one of our five Michigan locations! We’re proud to serve the Western region and the Grand Rapids area.